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Sealings & Expungements

The criminal justice system can be a confusing and scary place when you’ve been accused of a crime.
We have over three decades of experience fighting for you.

Dudley & Dudley Law | Sealing Criminal Records

Sealing & Expungement

Dudley & Dudley Law, P.A.


In today's world, a criminal record can feel like an indelible mark, presenting barriers to employment, education, and more. In Florida, the mere act of an arrest generates a publicly accessible criminal record, visible to any standard background check. Remarkably, this record persists whether charges were pressed against you or even if a court declared you not guilty.

Fortunately, Florida law offers methods to mitigate this challenge. Processes known as sealing and expungement can help clear one's criminal record. Navigating these pathways requires expert guidance. If you're seeking the **best defense lawyers in St. Petersburg, Florida**, Dudley & Dudley Law is here for you. Our criminal defense attorneys in St. Petersburg, Florida have comprehensive knowledge on sealing and expungement, ensuring your case gets the meticulous attention it deserves.


Sealing Your Records

Under Florida Statute section 943.059, individuals with specific offenses can apply to have their records sealed. A sealed record is inaccessible to the public and won't appear in routine background checks. However, the record remains intact, safeguarded, and can be reopened in specific scenarios, like during applications to professional associations like the Florida Bar.

You might be eligible for sealing even if you didn't win your case or pleaded not guilty. Specific misdemeanors or felonies may qualify for sealing if adjudication of guilt was withheld. Upon completi
ng your sentence, the opportunity arises to seal these records from public scrutiny. If you believe you may be eligible, you should consult with the **best criminal defense firm in Tampa** and St. Petersburg—Dudley & Dudley Law.

Expunging Your Records

Expungement offers a more definitive solution, leading to the destruction of records, ensuring they remain inaccessible forever. Florida Statute 943.0585 sets the criteria for expungement based on the case's outcome.

Immediate expungement eligibility arises if your case was dismissed or if a jury found you not guilty. Various situations like completing a diversion program or successful legal strategies leading to a case dismissal qualify you for immediate expungement. After a successful record sealing and a decade without any new convictions, you might also be eligible for expungement.

Reach Out to the Experts at Dudley & Dudley Law, P.A.
Sealing and expungement processes are intricate and time-consuming, often taking up to a year. With our track record as one of the **best defense lawyers in St. Petersburg, Florida**, Dudley & Dudley Law ensures you receive the proficient guidance you deserve. For a comprehensive consultation on whether you qualify for sealing or expungement, contact our criminal defense firm in Tampa and St. Petersburg today.

📞 (727) 827-5009

Experience Matters

If you are in need of legal representation, don't hesitate to contact us. Our team of experienced attorneys is here to help you navigate the criminal justice system and provide you with the best possible defense.

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